Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Quick thoughts

I know I said the next post would be King, A Return to Form, but I decided that wasn't such an appropriate topic at this time. I mean sure the Wii is the best selling console right now but it just hasn't lived up to what I dreamt it would be. Don't get me wrong I love the dang thing but at this time its sort of a love hate relationship. I love the experience and feel of it, there is so much potential for the Wii but I hate the fact that many or even most developers are currently only giving us glorified tech demos and expect us gamers to be satisfied. I love video games, especially the ones that have deep rich experiences to be had. Those are too few and far between on Wii.

Currently Nintendo is working this casual gamer angle and honestly that's real good and all for the industry but really what about those of us playing games for 10 plus years now? All the while Nintendo have sung the tune that they aren't abandoning the hardcore gamer but they have done little to reinforce that. Sure there was Zelda and Metroid, along with the upcoming Mario and Smash, but aside from those and Mario Kart next year Wii owners have little to be excited about. I mean its no mystery why the game attach rate for the Wii is barely above three. When I look at the laundry list of crap being released for Wii and then I look at the 360 camp I can't help but think that to truly have a hardcore experience I might need one. I mean Mario and Smash are fun but surely neither are hardcore. Metroid and Zelda are, but once they're over that's exactly it, over. I mean the Wii has such an incredible interface for two of my favorite genres; FPS' and Adventure games. Yet in terms of shooters the Wii has the most piss poor of any console and adventure games are practically nonexistent on the thing.
Maybe I'm just making a fuss for nothing, after all it's not even a year old. Who knows maybe the whole casual games thing was Nintendo's genius marketing plan for the first year just to push expansion and maybe we have an exciting '08 to look forward to.

I just want deep rich shooter and adventure games for my Wii. I don't want to have to own a 360 to play a great shooter, I want that on my Wii. Either way I may have looked and longed but I haven't been swayed by the 360 or dare I say it ps3 camps and Smash will keep me busy for quite some time, but I just hope Nintendo decides to turn it up and truly capitalize on what the Wii can truly be.

These are just some of my thoughts on the way things are right now. As I get back into regularly posting they'll get a lot stronger and more diverse. I mean I wouldn't be a true loyalist if I wasn't critical of every aspect of all things Nintendo.

One good thing to take from everything so far is that the ps2 won last generation and it had an infinite number of crap games so as long as wii get our share of blockbusters history just might repeat itself under another name.

1 comment:

wii-man said...

This can easily serve as a great discussion! It is true that Wii has been getting lackluster games ever since Twilight Princess. I love mini-game games too, but it's best to have a nice blend of those two types of games in order to keep as many people as you can happy. Ya know?