Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Nintendo's next move

Now what I'm about to say is no way representative of how Nintendo plans to expand their market-not that I know of at least.

I'm sure you've heard by now that there have been talks of a possible Metroid movie and more recently a Legend of Zelda movie. Well this is my train of thought: Nintendo should create their own movie studio. I think this would be a perfect step for a couple of reasons. First, having their own movie studio would prevent the scum suckers from quite possibly banking off of their properties. It's no stranger to us all that one of Nintendo's major competitors has their own movie division. To prevent them from even cashing in 1% profit a Nintendo movie studio should be taken into consideration.

The second reason simply is expandability. Creating a movie studio would enable Nintendo to reach a broader audience, and it would clearly shed those stupid ideas that Nintendo is just for kids. I know Nintendo prefers to maintain its stance solely focusing on gaming but from a business standpoint this is a logical, not to mention cost effective venture. Now, the studio though owned and operated by Nintendo wouldn't be subjected to just Nintendo properties but many outside movies as well.

I say this because I for one am a young up and coming director and I'd be damned if any of my work ever gains life under those scum. I want my work to be affiliated with Nintendo. For instance, I do a movie that's real good(under their studio of course) and they decide 'hey let's make it into a game'. It would be a Nintendo exclusive and and quite possibly rake in a ton of cash for both me and Nintendo. But yeah I can only hope Nintendo is wise to this and decide on it. Either way my work-if ever made into games, will never grace a console outside of Nintendo and if they don't want it on their console then it won't be a game. I just would really hate to see those jerks cash in off of Nintendo properties, the idea itself is blasphemy.


l.j.g. said...

Very nice blog, has a cool look! Nintendo was my first system, and hopefully it'll be my last. ^_~

Luke G.

sheep23 said...

Don't worry once you experience the 'revolution' you won't want to play anything else.

wii-man said...

I'll be looking forward to Nintendo's METROID Movie.

wii-man said...

I'm not to fond of thinking about another Mario movie

:has flashback:

I'm sure Zelda will be or would be action packed and Metroid would push the envelope on visuals onscreen.

Anonymous said...

hi, i think they should expand, but never to make a movie out of a game, or vise-versa, just look at doom! if they become a production studio that does various random movies like you said then thats good. note: im also planning to become the next best director, so watch ur bak

sheep23 said...

I like your optimism jaso but my talents are unwavering and I'm not just bragging, I'm a visionary. In time you shall see.

wii-man said...

I can't do to well with making beautiful visuals just yet.